

Rossmann in the MultiBox Retail Park in Łask!


Soon, in the MultiBox Retail Park in Łask, an over 400-meter salon of the market leader in cosmetics - the Rossmann drugstore - will open.

The MultiBox Łask Retail Park is located at 49b Warszawska Street, in the vicinity of the Circle K. petrol station, directly next to the Kaufland grocery store, sharing a shared parking lot with them.

Rossmann is the leader of the drugstore market in Poland. The first store was established in 1993 in Łódź. Today, the company's portfolio includes 1,400 stores, which are visited by an average of 820,000 every day. people. The company currently employs 19,000 employees and offers clients 21,500 jobs. Polish and foreign products. Rossmann offers 800 brands and 27 private labels.

MultiBox facilities form one of the largest retail park networks in Poland. Mallson Polska is responsible for their commercial concept and rental. The investor and contractor of the MultiBox Retail Parks is Zakład Budowlano-Remontowy Budrem from Ostrów Wielkopolski. Currently, 13 facilities operate within the MultiBox network: in Warsaw, Głogów, Płońsk, Świecie, Tczew, Nowy Tomyśl, Łask, Siedlce, Ciechanów, Dęblin, and two in Ostrów Wielkopolski. The next opening of the next MultiBox is planned for this autumn in Szamotuły, Greater Poland.


ul. Złota 44/456, 00-120 Warsaw


+48 22 620 46 00